Laser Hair Removal 101
Ditch the razor and say hello to laser! Learn everything about laser hair removal; the best solution to get rid of unwanted hair.
Goodbye Razor, Hello Laser
Laser Hair Removal may seem unnecessary for some, essential for others, and even scary to those who don’t have enough knowledge about lasers! Here at SpaDerma, we specialize in laser hair removal because we have seen life-changing results from our clients! They no longer have to waste time shaving, feel embarrassed about ingrown hairs, or worry about the pain from waxing or threading their unwanted hair. Today, we’ll break down laser hair removal, the benefits, how to prepare, what to expect, and how to maintain results.
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly requested aesthetic treatments to get rid of unwanted body hair. It works by using a laser which emits a light energy to destroy the hair follicles. The pulse of light energy converts to heat, zaps the follicle, and prevents future hair growth. Laser hair removal is incredibly popular because it is highly effective, quick, and requires no downtime.
Benefits of laser hair removal:
It’s cost-effective. Once you’re done, you really don’t need to wax or buy razors or monthly subscriptions!
It’s a time-saver: don’t waste time shaving!
Your pores shrink which creates smoother skin texture.
No more razor burn! Bumps on the bikini line from razor burn are the worst, and laser hair removal eliminates it.
Smooth, silky skin all of the time!
What areas can you treat?
You can treat just about every area of the body with laser hair removal. Parts of the face, back, Brazilian bikini areas, even toes and hands. Laser hair removal on the underarms, Brazilian bikini, chin, and full legs are some of the most requested areas according to our North Shore Aesthetics Director, Aesthetician and Laser + Light Specialist, Claire O’Connor, she says,
“Patients come for one area and then they become addicted and do everything. I always recommend our full body membership.”
Other highly requested areas include the sides of the face and back, for all skin types and genders. We offer Brazilian bikini for men and women, so please make sure to contact us to schedule your consultation.
How to Prepare
At SpaDerma, we always recommend coming in for a complimentary consultation to see if this is the right treatment for you, and we have a few guidelines to help determine if you can be treated and when to book your appointment. First, we want to make sure you avoid direct sun exposure at least 4 weeks before your appointment. If you have a spray tan or self tanner we need to wait 2 weeks before treatment or until tan has washed off completely. If you are taking any antibiotics we ask that you discontinue 14 days prior to treatment. Also, if you are transitioning from bleaching, waxing, or threading your unwanted hair, we want to wait 2 weeks before your treatment since the hair follicle needs to be present for laser hair removal to be effective. Keep in mind, laser hair removal can not be performed on patients who are expecting or breast-feeding, and we recommend consulting your physician before receiving any new treatment! Finally, make sure to get a clean, close shave the morning of or the night before your appointment!
What to Expect
Many of our patients ask about the pain level of laser hair removal to which we say it depends on your pain tolerance. It feels like a slight rubber band snap (I usually say it feels like tweezing with heat) on the skin but any discomfort quickly dissipates. The procedure lasts 15 to 20 minutes depending on the area being treated and may leave you slightly read or with minor swelling that usually subsides within 24 hours if not sooner. We ask that you avoid any physical activity or direct sun tanning 24 hours following treatment. With each treatment you will notice hair growing back slower and finer or perhaps even in patches–this means it is working! Eventually it will stop growing, but expect to need 6 to 9 sessions to see a 70-90% reduction in hair growth.
How To Maintain Results
Make sure to get as many treatments as your SpaDerma provider recommends! It is important to only shave the area that you are looking to treat in between appointments rather than waxing, bleaching, threading, or tweezing. If you need to come in for touch-ups keep a lookout for any of our laser hair removal flash deals or within our spa!
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns! See you laser!

Give your skin a glow up and reverse aging in the face, neck, chest, and hands.

Get big savings with our laser hair removal membership